Tag: news & views
Reinventing IaaS adaptation
Cloud adoption is an exercise in adaptation; as individuals have come to think with a keyboard beneath their fingertips to advance communications, cloud users...
How AI platforms are stacking up
Over the past year, there has been a steady stream of AI platform announcements. One recent example is Intel’s AI platform launch, supported by...
Serverless computing – no servers, really?
Serverless is one of the more interesting developments in cloud computing. The serverless cloud story began back in 2014 with Amazon launch of AWS...
IoT tracking systems – the bigger picture
The value of IoT tracking is undeniable. Whether it’s following supply chain activities, monitoring production processes, or managing assets, there are plenty of business...
ReMAPping value networks: only in Canada, eh?
Software may be eating the world, but when combined with hardware, it has potential to unleash new productive capacity, while ensuring that the fruits...
Spammers an enterprise unto themselves
The business world operates according to many well-entrenched patterns. Work schedules are defined based on labour and customer demands; a majority of day-to-day business...
Revving the cloud innovation engine at VMworld 2017
Channeling tech visioning from the popular sci-fi film Aliens, “Beam me up” molecular transport from Star Trek, current experimentation with Quantum entanglement and modification...
The future of encryption
What does a simultaneously dead and not-dead cat have to do with cybersecurity?
Quite a bit, as it turns out. Schrödinger's quantum kitty is the...
Cyber security lessons from the energy community
Any widespread disruption of electricity, water or gas can have huge impact on day-to-day life. Critical infrastructure must be failsafe, protected and resilient –...
Mind the gap: crossing the Canadian cloud divide
On the flip side of the tech world’s bleeding edge lie early, and early majority adopters who have the resources in place to capitalize...
Vitamin Y: building the AWS Canada ecosystem
As part of ongoing efforts to promote the progress of cloud, Canadian AWS Premier Consulting Partner TriNimbus Technologies hosted an event this June...
OpenText in the machine era
“The Information Company” is moving with machines to a new digital era marked by software automation. OpenText, the Waterloo, Ontario based startup that has...
Held for Ransom and WannaCry
Ransomware is big business.
In early May, the UK's National Health Service (NHS), along with hundreds of other organizations worldwide, was crippled by a massive...
Information Builders talks next steps in leveraging IoT data
Presenters at the latest Information Builders breakfast seminar, Powering IoT with an Information Management Strategy, provided a comprehensive view of what it will take...
Younger tech talent prove willing and able interns
The talent shortage is a prevailing topic in many of today’s tech conversations. The situation is only becoming more pressing as newer technologies such...