ASYMCO: Steve Ballmer and The Innovator's Curse
InsightaaS: Horace Dediu’s ASYMCO is a fascinating source of insight into issues pertaining to Apple, and to the smartphone and related markets generally. In...
Wikibon: CIOs – If You're Not Following The Trends, You're Far From Alone
InsightaaS: Scott Lowe of Wikibon, the open source community of world-leading storage analysts, has published a piece on a fascinating subject: the disconnect between...
Gartner: 2013 Hype Cycle for Social Software Reveals a Wealth of Emerging Innovations
InsightaaS: We don't ordinarily post links to press releases here, but this one seemed worthy of an exception. Personally, I think the hype cycle...
Enterprise Irregulars: Is That Your Bot, or Are You Happy to See Me?
InsightaaS: Leading software analyst Denis Pombriant, in the excellent Enterprise Irregulars blog site, explores the implications of a recent New York Times article claiming...
Gartner: That Content Marketing Thing Works Pretty Well
InsightaaS: The Gartner Blog Network collects posts from across Gartner’s research community. In this post, research director Todd Berkowitz provides thoughtful guidance on content...
CIO Dashboard: What is a Digital Disruptor?
InsightaaS: CIO Dashboard is a blog run by PwC principal Chris Curran. In this post, he looks at how IT can enable 'disruptors,' using...
Michael Geist: Why Verizon's Entry to Canada Would Reduce Consumer Wireless Prices
InsightaaS: Michael Geist, leading Canadian expert on communications policy and privacy legislation, has been a key voice in the current debate regarding wireless policies...
Wikibon: For CIOs, Build vs. Buy Isn't Just For Software Anymore
InsightaaS: Scott Lowe of Wikibon, the open source community of world-leading storage analysts, has published a piece looking at how the "build vs. buy"...
Cloud Ave.: Do you really want your IT department to define your application stack?
InsightaaS: Cloud Ave. is a site that examines cloud through both a technology and a business lens. In this post, Maarten Ectors asks whether...
CloudTweaks: 7 Steps To Developing A Cloud Security Plan
InsightaaS: Cloud Tweaks uses a combination of research and editorial bloggers (both staff and outside contributors) to inform readers about key IT topics: cloud, convergence,...
Naked Security: Will insurance firms be the big winners in the struggle for cyber...
InsightaaS: Naked Security is a news/blog site hosted by security vendor Sophos. In this post, John Hawes, technical consultant and test team director at...
Cutter Consortium: Gathering Intelligence – Data or Information?
InsightaaS: Cutter Consortium is an IT advisory firm focused on software development and agile project management. Cutter’s blog site site presents "opinions on and...
ASYMCO: The Anti-Apple
InsightaaS: Horace Dediu's ASYMCO is a fascinating source of insight into issues pertaining to Apple, and to the smartphone and related markets generally. In...
Enterprise Irregulars: The Story of Social Knowledge
InsightaaS: Esteban Kolsky, founder of customer strategy consulting firm thinkJar, contributed a thought-provoing piece on the use of social knowledge in customer service on...
Gartner: Can you sell me now? The impact of disconnected strategies
InsightaaS: The Gartner Blog Network collects posts from across Gartner's research community. In this post, research director Hank Barnes discusses the "Nexus of Forces"...