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MS cloud + AI = digital transformation

Microsoft is one of several major IT players racing to build the AI (Artificial Intelligence) startup community. In December 2016, the company announced a...

Three keys to managed services innovation

Sitting midpoint between public cloud and reliance on on-premise IT resources, managed services are an increasingly attractive alternative for the delivery of IT services....

CARROT points are good for your health

There’s nothing like instant gratification for achieving a means to an end. That’s the thinking behind CARROT Insights, a unique rewards-style program that isn’t...

Citizen everything

We live in a world where lines are blurring between professionals and amateurs. Except we're no longer calling them "amateurs" – they're now "citizen"...

From Green to Smart to IoT – an IIoT journey

Named for the two-headed Roman god Janus, January is a time for reflection on the past and for looking forward to the future. In...

Improved into oblivion

There was a day when computers and other devices connected happily to accessories, and ease of connection mattered. It appears that those days are...

AWS Canada live

Context: Amazon Web Services went live with its new Canada (Central) Region last week and is pumped to deliver a range of services out of...

Big Data-as-a-Service takes shape in Canada

CenturyLink Technology Solutions is undergoing metamorphosis. Like many organizations that entered the data centre business a half decade ago or so, the company is...

2017: a year of living virtually

Each year about this time, analysts, pundits, and pretty much anyone else with an opinion begins to pontificate about what the next years will...

Vitamin Y: More on merger – Dell EMC culture, customers and...

Context:  Dell EMC has taken its merger message on the road with pit stops in major Canadian cities. Last week, the company touched down...

Is Blockchain the key to our IoT security future?

There are plenty of proponents who see Blockchain as more than a platform for the financial institutions of this world. Consultant Mark Kovarski is...

City of the future to run on code

Oman’s director of ICT research Ali Al Shidhani outlined the increased risk associated with urban IoT – providing recommendations to help Smart Cities stay...

Digital thread links Meeting of the Minds 2016

“The technology is there,” observed conference founder Gordon Feller, framing a question for panelists at Meeting of the Minds 2016, this year’s installment of...

Hub spinning for Agile Analytics

Big Data promises a wealth of riches in the form of new insight into operational processes and business opportunity. But for many organizations, the...

Quantum Valley the next frontier

At a recent Google GO NORTH event in Toronto, RIM co-founder, founder of the Perimeter Institute and the Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) and...