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Infographic and info: Open Source Forges By The Numbers

InsightaaS: As we get into 2015 in earnest, I thought I'd highlight a couple of software-related issues that are important but are generally not...

Michael Loftus: MS Outlook for Windows – Ground zero in the...

InsightaaS: Within the financial services sector, Michael Loftus is well-known as an expert in client technology, and in connecting users with IT-based systems through...

John Hagel: The Big Shift in Strategy – Part 1

InsightaaS: In August of 2014, ATN highlighted a post by John Hagel, who has been shaping perspectives of the IT/business figure since he released the...

The Register: A year in storage. STILL not enough nails for...

InsightaaS: The Register is well-recognized as a news source that walks both sides of whatever line separates irreverence and incisiveness. Today's featured post provides yet...

Deloitte University Press: Building consumer trust

InsightaaS: 'Tis the holiday season, and all through the net, except for security, the blogs are all quiet. Okay, that's a weak rhyme and...

CSO: What the Sony breach means for security in 2015

InsightaaS: The Sony hack is one of those 'crossover' events, an IT security breach that is so big and bizarre that people with no...

Hybrid Momentum: a new whitepaper from InsightaaS.com

How — and how quickly — will cloud delivery models become an essential part of IT infrastructure, and what should IT management do to...

WIPO on patent and trademark trends

InsightaaS: I've met a few people who care intensely about IP issues (heck, we even have a client like that!). However, even though it's...

Louis Columbus: Ten Ways Big Data Is Revolutionizing Manufacturing

InsightaaS: Louis Columbus’s A Passion for Research blog is one of the most interesting sources of information on the internet. In past months, I have highlighted...

Infographic: The link between online trust and online business

InsightaaS: I don't really have a "go to" source for infographics, but I do regularly review those from Alex Hillsberg of FinancesOnline.com, which are generally...

Ray Wang: Inside 2015 Boardroom Priorities

InsightaaS: R. “Ray” Wang is one of the IT industry’s most widely-respected analysts. Currently the CEO of Constellation Research, Wang is recognized as a...

Infographic: Understanding The Various Sources of Big Data

InsightaaS: Another day, another example of how social makes the world smaller and more detailed, all at the same time! First, the smaller -...

ASYMCO: The Innovator’s Stopwatch. Part 1

InsightaaS: Across the Net regularly highlights posts from Horace Dediu’s ASYMCO blog, an important source of information on issues pertaining to Apple and to the smartphone and related...

Tableau: Top 10 Trends in Business Intelligence in 2015

InsightaaS: Most businesspeople are familiar with the Market Lifecycle (or Market Adoption Curve), in which products are plotted on curve that moves from "early...

Chaotic Flow: Cloud Channel Challenges – SaaS Channel Compensation

InsightaaS: It's pretty well known by many of our readers that my focus extends to both cloud and channels - and that I find...