Ten years in Canada – OVHcloud greening the corporation

In the IT world, globalization has proved a double-edged sword. If the growth of large provider organizations with world-wide capacity has helped to ensure...

GCDCS21 – The Sustainable Present

What is Net Zero, and how do you get there? Speakers in this year's GCDCS session on sustainability in the data centre had lots...

Digging into ‘Digital Transformation’ – GCDCS21 morning challenge

‘Digital transformation’ is a moving target. Described variously by industry watchers as “the adoption of digital technology by a company… to improve efficiency, value...

IT outcomes drive new public procurement models

Designed to promote fairness, transparency and economy in public sector purchasing, procurement practices have become pedantic. In many public organizations, centrally managed procurement offices...
Data centre options in a post-Brexit world

Digital experience beyond the network edge

With the exponential rise in distributed multi-cloud computing, IT monitoring and management has pushed network optimization beyond the edge – literally and figuratively. Today’s...

Open Solidarity to address COVID-19 crisis

We hear quite a bit about ‘tech for the good’ – technology’s unique ability to support social, cultural or environmental progress. We also hear...

In the New: March (The Coronavirus edition)

In the New is a personal update series from InsightaaS analyst Michael O’Neil.  What's new? Outdoors, March has been sunny so far – but every screen...

Cloud expansion in Canada: market portent or more of the same?

A convention in the cloud war narrative is runaway dominance by one cloud service provider, namely AWS, crowned leader in public cloud delivery markets...

Tripping the app fantastic

“It’s an apptastic world!” Declared a decade ago by leading Canadian tech practitioner Eugene Roman, this quip is as relevant today as ever –...

New Digital Realty interconnect platform to enable “centres of data exchange”

What is a ‘platform’ and what is its source of performance? A seemingly simple term that is used in IT with increasing frequency to...

At 20 years old, OVH looking to take on the global hyperscalers

OVH celebrated its twentieth birthday with a new name. The French service provider is now OVHcloud,  the “cloud” extension to “Online Virtual Hosting” a...

Cloud + content = chicken + egg?

In the great cloud halls, content is king. Unlike the field of dreams, where you build it and they will come, cloud service provider...

Data centres are hot stuff

Data centres are hot. Really hot. Literally. And that's a problem. So said speakers at the 2019 Great Canadian Data Centre Symposium. Power and cooling came...

Great Canadian Data Centre Symposium 2019 – moving to the edge

Data centre and digital transformation experts and practitioners gathered at The McMaster Innovation Park in Hamilton on June 20th for a day of thought-provoking...

Cloud management – is Kubernetes the final answer?

Enterprise IT management has never been an easy task and, despite the best of intentions, cloud computing has yet to make life any simpler...