Across the Net

Michael Geist: Different Regulations, Different Regulators: Behind Canada's Net Neutrality Advantage

InsightaaS: Readers who follow Across the Net know that we are appreciate and support the efforts of Michael Geist to examine issues and legislation...

Gartner: Zombies, Zombies Everywhere!!!

InsightaaS: The Gartner Blog Network collects posts from across Gartner’s research community. In this post, Gartner research director Jeff Brooks delivers the final segment...

Nick Carr: Technology below and beyond

InsightaaS: Nicholas Carr’s Rough Type blog was very active in April, with eight posts in a two-week period, most of which would provide excellent...

The Sunday "Infographic": Information is Beautiful on Data Breaches

InsightaaS: It's a tradition at InsightaaS to publish an infographic each Sunday. Today, we're breaking a bit with tradition by bringing you instead a...

Deloitte U: Making it Millennial – Public policy and the next generation

InsightaaS: Deloitte University Press is a source of deep, thought-provoking material on a wide range of technology and management issues. The site’s mandate is...

Naked Security: Dutch student sells online soul at auction for €350

InsightaaS: Naked Security is a news/blog site hosted by security vendor Sophos. In this post, freelancer Lisa Vaas covers an unusual story: a Dutch...

ASYMCO: On the future of Google. Part 2

InsightaaS: Across the Net often highlights posts from Horace Dediu’s ASYMCO blog, an important source of information on issues pertaining to Apple and to...

Ars Technica: How Heartbleed transformed HTTPS security into the stuff of absurdist theater

InsightaaS: Ars Technica is one of the web's best-respected sources for technical insight. Founded in 1998 as a publication for "alpha geeks", the site...

McKinsey: Managing the demand for IT infrastructure

InsightaaS: McKinsey & Co. is a world-leading management consulting firm. Its flagship publication, McKinsey Quarterly, has been providing insight into key management issues for...

Gartner: Surprise, You're a Zombie!

InsightaaS: The Gartner Blog Network collects posts from across Gartner’s research community. In this post, Gartner research director Jeff Brooks delivers the first of...

McKendrick: Challenge – Keeping the Internet of Things grounded in reality

InsightaaS: ZDNet is a source of many interesting blogs, including the "Service Oriented" blog authored by Joe McKendrick. In this post, McKendrick encourages us...

The Sunday Infographic: Accenture on mobility

InsightaaS: Each Sunday, we feature an "Infographic of the week" on Across the Net. In this one, Accenture provides insights based on Canadian findings...

Forrester: If Dr. Seuss Could Comment Upon IoT, This Is What He Might Say…

InsightaaS: Forrester Research is one of the world’s leading IT analyst firms — it is generally thought to be a key source of insight...

Nick Carr: The myth of the endless ladder

InsightaaS: After a hiatus, Nicholas Carr's Rough Type blog has returned. In this post, Carr looks at the contention that an increasingly-automated economy delivers...

Cutter Consortium: Criteria for Selecting a Social Media Partner

InsightaaS: Cutter Consortium is an IT advisory firm focused on software development and agile project management. Cutter’s blog site site presents "opinions on and...