ATN Infographic: Whatever happened to phonebooths?
InsightaaS: Yesterday, I watched a POS device say that it was "dialing," and wondered, "does anyone under 25 actually know what 'dialing' refers to?"...
John Morris: Business is the Only "Thing" – Business Semantics and the Internet of...
InsightaaS: In August, ATN featured a thoughtful post by John Morris in which he discussed the issue of alarm fatigue in the context of...
Michael Geist: Responding to the Attacks – Why We Need to Resist Quick-Fix Anti-Terrorism...
InsightaaS: Readers who follow Across the Net know that we are appreciate and support the efforts of Michael Geist to examine issues and legislation that affect Canadians’ privacy and...
CIO Dashboard: 12 Hurdles Hampering the Internet of Things
InsightaaS: CIO Dashboard is a blog run by PwC principal Chris Curran. This post, co-authored with Curran's PwC colleague Daniel Eckert, provides a counterweight...
The Economist: Technology isn't working
InsightaaS: The Economist is one of the world’s most respected sources of insight into business and social issues, and often achieves the rare feat of connecting...
Redwood Capital: Sector report on business intelligence
InsightaaS: I just wrapped up a book on cloud computing (probably not the last time I'll mention that!), and in the process, got a...
Dan Kusnetzky: The 7-Layer Virtualization Model
InsightaaS: Virtualization is a kind of Swiss Army knife for enterprise IT (or maybe duct tape is a better analogy). It allows for different...
ATN Infographic: Choosing an open source license
InsightaaS: Open source is one of the most interesting niches within the software industry: there is open source code embedded in many applications and...
HBR: The Sectors Where the Internet of Things Really Matters
InsightaaS: Harvard Business Review (HBR) is recognized worldwide as a leading source of management insight and innovation. The company's blogsite often carries commentary from other world-leading...
PWC: Engaging with the "super-fan" – a growing source of incremental revenue
InsightaaS: This is the last installment of what turned into a series of posts built around social media encounters. It's a little different, in...
IntelligentHQ: 12 Innovative Technologies That Foster Social Change
InsightaaS: In recent days, Across the Net has been featuring posts that have social connections - between different content sources and their communities and/or...
ATN Infographic: The Periodic Table of SEO
InsightaaS: Our last few posts have contained notes on the impact of social connections on content awareness, and this item continues the theme. One...
Across the Net: Oracle, Forrester and the Modern Marketer
InsightaaS: As a continuation of yesterday's infographic post - in which we highlighted social connections that bring unique content to light - I'd like...
The Guardian: Lies, damn pies and obesity statistics – We're NOT a nation of...
InsightaaS: The Guardian is one of the world’s most respected news sources. Founded in 1821, it has stayed relevant by providing in-depth analysis of both local...
Datacenter Dynamics: Toronto's Booming Data Centers are Ripe for Refit
InsightaaS: This is a curious item for InsightaaS's Across the Net section - it highlights Datacenter Dynamics' media coverage of a DCD report on...