The challenges are legendary – defining science-based targets, the notorious double counting in carbon emissions accounting, driving accuracy in Scope 3 carbon data, lack of standardization in reporting mechanisms, and the need for a more wholistic view of the data centre’s environmental footprint. But the opportunities in defining, measuring, and reporting sustainability activity are also inspiring, as owner/operators work hard to build and benchmark the basis for achieving climate mitigation goals, and to socialize progress on their efforts to an increasingly broad group of stakeholders.
Join us on March 9th, 1pm ET (or 12:45 for pre-session networking) as we delve into issues and activities that can guide sustainability measurement and reporting in the data centre, in a JSA Virtual Roundtable: Defining Greener Data: The Power of Aligning Measurements. Hosted by JSA’s EVP & Managing Director, Barb Mitchell and moderated by Mary Allen, chief content officer of InsightaaS, the event will feature:
🟢 Dean Nelson, CEO at Cato Digital
🟢 Shawn Novak, Chief Sales Officer at nZero
🟢 Susanna Kass, Co-Founder at InfraPrime
🟢 Patricia Stamos, Senior Manager Sustainability Engagement at Equinix
🟢 Vicki Worden, President & CEO at Green Building Initiative
Description: As the data center industry collectively sets challenging environmental goals for the next few years out, including getting to net zero carbon, the question on the minds of many is what measurements matter, and which matter the most? With multiple metrics, reporting bodies, regional and global standards and certifications, how can we focus on the measurements that get us closer to zero emission targets most quickly, and how can we demonstrate this? Join our panel of experts in our Power of Aligning Measurements roundtable discussion to learn and collaborate, sharing success stories and lessons learned that can help us to track, measure and optimize data center sustainability regionally and globally, for today and tomorrow.
To register for our Thursday session, please click here!
Defining Greener Data: The Power of Aligning Measurements is the first in a four-part series of reports, Virtual Roundtables, and cornerstone chapters in v. 2 of Greener Data, scheduled for publication in 2023. It is the product of a content collaboration between InsightaaS and JSA, aimed at providing essential to data centre operators on sustainability measurement/reporting, the integration of renewables, power and cooling innovation, and building the business case for sustainability. Stay tuned for updates as we roll out our content agenda.