Wikibon: The Future of the Data Center: Software Will Lead The Way (with infographic)
InsightaaS: Wikibon is one of the Internet's best sources of IT industry insight - an open source community of world-leading analysts that has its...
Cloud Ave: What’s Your Cloud Type?
InsightaaS: Cloud Ave. is a site that examines cloud through both a technology and a business lens. In this post, Vineet Jain, CEO...
Enterprise Irregulars: The enterprise technologies to watch in 2014
InsightaaS: Noted IT strategist Dion Hinchcliffe, in the excellent Enterprise Irregulars blog site, has posted a list of 18 enterprise technologies to watch in...
Louis Columbus: The Best Cloud Computing Companies And CEOs To Work For In 2014
InsightaaS: Readers of Across the Net will be familiar with the work of Louis Columbus; we have cited his Enterprise Irregulars posts in the...
Jonathan Koomey: Separating Fact From Fiction: A Challenge For The Media
InsightaaS: Many longer-time readers are aware that in addition to the material published on this site, the team publishes in other venues —...
CIO Dashboard: 6 Signs You Need a New IT Strategy
InsightaaS: CIO Dashboard is a blog run by PwC principal Chris Curran. In this post, guest blogger Mike Pearl (also of PwC) shares his...
Veracap: Tech Sector Completes Strong Year
InsightaaS: Veracap M&A International is a leading mid-market investment bank specializing in acquisitions, divestitures, financing and shareholder value advisory services. Based in Toronto with...
RSG: Marketers – Facebook's acquisition of WhatsApp highlights your mobile challenge
InsightaaS: The Real Story Group is "a buyer’s advocate for enterprises looking to invest in content technologies" specializing in independent vendor evaluations. In this...
Jeremiah Owyang: Maker Movement and 3D Printing – Industry Stats
InsightaaS: Those interested in social media are familiar with Jeremiah Owyang, who did seminal research on the topic when he was at Forrester, and...
9to5 Mac: Apple Store iPhone trade-in program expanding soon to Canada
InsightaaS: 9 to 5 Mac is a highly-regarded site for those interested in the latest news on Apple technology. In this post, senior editor...
Dean Bubley: Decoding Apple's VoIP, WebRTC, UC and VoLTE strategy
InsightaaS: Dean Bubley is the founder of telecom consulting company Disruptive Analysis, which analyzes telco business models, and publisher of Dean Bubley's Disruptive Wireless...
IamOnDemand: Why Multi-Cloud? Evolution, Freedom
InsightaaS: At discussions on cloud (like the great one at last week's InsightaaS/TechConnex cloud bootcamp!), we often hear debate about whether one primary type...
Gigya – Millennials: 5 Ways to Convert the Most Coveted Consumer Segment in History
InsightaaS: At our recent Cloud Bootcamp event and in other interactions with the B2B IT community, InsightaaS is often drawn into discussions about how...
Primus becomes first national Canadian service provider to offer Carrier Grade Ethernet 2.0
InsightaaS: Readers of will know that we don't generally highlight press releases in the Across the Net section of our site. We thought...
Nick Carr: The electronic kool-aid wifi test
InsightaaS: The most recent post from the Rough Type blog finds Internet/IT philosopher Nicolas Carr in rare form. In "The electronic kool-ad wifi test," Carr uses the viral...