Tag: news & views
IoT in hype hyperdrive
"Our role is to be a market maker of IoT," Cisco CTO Pasmadree Warrior proclaimed at the second annual Internet of Things World Forum...
Dell helps Art of the Entrepreneur celebrate small business
Rarely riveting, conferences on entrepreneurship are often like a dose of castor oil — good for you, but hard going down. Most are long...
Management algorithms a cloud panacea?
In the article below, Kevin Fogarty tackles the thorny topic of data centre power management, a huge subject that encomp
asses cloud and virtualization technologies,...
Vitamin Y: The app approach to building data service value
New York-based Information Builders has committed to expanding its presence in Canada through a mix of community building exercises. One approach that the long-time...
HP SDN App Store launch
HP has been building momentum towards launch of its HP SDN App Store, an online marketplace that went live September 25th where ISV developers...
Passport to Productivity
When you pick up a BlackBerry Passport, the company's newly-released flagship device, one thing is immediately apparent: it's definitely a BlackBerry. But it's a...
Is Intel about to drown the cloud in data, or show...
Kevin Fogarty is writer, editor, columnist and tech analyst with over 20 years' experience covering IT, mobile and business computing, science and healthcare technologies....
Hype vs. reality
Last year, analysts predicted that tablets would kick laptops to the curb. To hear them talk, you’d have thought that anything with a keyboard...
Hyper-convergence with EVO:RAIL
‘Software defined’ in much data centre parlance has been associated with new levels of programmability in the configuration and management of IT infrastructure, with...
Atlantic.Net launches cloud in Canada
"There is very little understanding that Toronto is the fifth largest North American metro area and the second or third largest international banking transaction...
Throwaway Desktops
Imagine logging on to your computer and within seconds getting an up-to-date operating system, complete with the software you need, freshly generated from a...
CTS a new private cloud "standards" bearer
Long heralded as the cloud of choice for businesses with unique data security, privacy or regulatory requirements, private cloud deployment is like an itch...
Creating continuous cloud
Like the avaricious and the prodigals in In Dante’s 4th circle of Hell who push giant boulders in opposite directions for eternity, shouting at...
Ubi talks IoT
Near ubiquitous broadband, cloud technologies and processor miniaturization, which has enabled the distribution of intelligence across multiple sensors and devices, have combined to ignite...
It's time to get paranoid about cloud
For customers of cloud-based services, the July 31, 2014 ruling by a US district court judge that data stored on Microsoft's email servers in...