Tag: #cloud
DMTI Insights Session tackles financial analytics
In an increasingly digitized world, data carries undeniable clout. At once the source of insight into optimizing business operations, data also supports the development...
VMware builds company and community support for mobile deployments
The mobile revolution is well underway and shows no signs of waning. At the hardware level, smartphone penetration has moved into hyperdrive: according to...
Securing the cloud to client continuum
The digitization of business process and personal practice is having a profound impact on productivity at work and in daily life. But our growing...
HBR on the Self-Tuning Enterprise/Upcoming event in Toronto
InsightaaS: In the same confirmation bias vein as "as soon as you buy a car, you see that model everywhere on the road" (or...
TechRepublic: Gartner declares IaaS race decided, AWS wins
InsightaaS: Much has been written about Gartner's recent take on the IaaS market (including a brief piece that I published in the TCBC forum on LinkedIn)....
Beyond Convergence 1.0: the Nutanix private cloud-in-a-box
Converged infrastructure is attracting a lot of attention in industry circles as the key means to reducing IT complexity in the data centre. But...
Drawing the lines between Collabmobilicloud
Is cloud a solution? Are collaboration and mobility technology outcomes? Or is a solution the answer to a user’s problems? Increasingly, in a new...
451 Research: Cloud Price Index – Private Edition, Part 3: the...
InsightaaS: Back in December, InsightaaS reported on a new 451 Research initiative designed to determine baseline costs for different cloud delivery models. At the...
Frameworks and culture in Roadmaps to Cloud Success
A book as the source of knowledge in a world of digital communication? Surely not! In fact, not one, but two books served as...
Mobile workforce trends in tech
The mobile workforce is alive and well – at least in people’s minds. But a recent executive roundtable hosted by Natalie Lambert, senior director,...
Big Blue goes big on IoT
The Internet of Things has served for several years now as an aspirational touch point for bright imaginings around our connected future. But the...
Delving into Delve
It's been a while since Microsoft came up with a shiny new product. Sure, we've had upgrades of this and that: Windows, Office, development...
Collabmobilicloud: a new document series from InsightaaS
Market observers and tech users are now well versed in the value proposition of cloud, mobility and collaboration technologies. But how these work together...
Democratizing IT to drive digitization
Kevin Peesker launched this year’s Dell’s Power To Do More IT Summit with the iconic video Did You Know? Documenting rapid fire the pace...
Roadmapping the Cloud and The Phoenix Project: A double-feature on April...
We don’t generally run promotional pieces on InsightaaS, but I’m involved in an upcoming event that I think will be really interesting – and...