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Tag: #AcrossTheNet

Hu Yoshida: IT Does Matter – And the World is not...

InsightaaS: In recent months, Nicholas Carr's famous (infamous?) pronouncement "IT doesn't matter" has come under scrutiny from several quarters, including one post by CSC's...

The Sunday Infographic: Canadian IT security is "deficient, disconnected and in...

InsightaaS: Today's Across the Net Sunday Infographic presents Canadian research conducted by Ponemon Institute (and sponsored by Websense) finds that a large number of...

NYT: Putting a Price Tag on Nature's Defenses

InsightaaS: Regular readers will recognize that Sunday's are a bit different at Across the Net: we tend to feature a post with an environmental...

Nicholas Carr: From endless ladder to downward ramp

InsightaaS: In a recent post from his Rough Type blog, Internet/IT philosopher Nicolas Carr adds to an ongoing discussion of how workers are finding...

Ars Technica: Ars tests Internet surveillance by spying on an NPR...

InsightaaS: Ars Technica is one of the web’s best-respected sources for technical insight. Founded in 1998 as a publication for "alpha geeks", the site...

Accenture: Canada's Digital Innovation Imperative

InsightaaS: Accenture is recognized globally as a source of both technology and business guidance, working with customers to both develop strategy and to build...

PbD: Using Privacy by Design to Achieve Big Data Innovation Without...

InsightaaS: There is a great deal of skepticism with respect to government's ability to adequately protect citizen privacy in the Big Data era, and...

Cloud Tweaks: Built For The Cloud vs. Adapting To The Cloud

InsightaaS: Cloud Tweaks presents research and editorial posts from various sources (both staff and outside experts) to inform readers about key IT topics: cloud, convergence,...

BCG: Enabling Big Data – Building the Capabilities That Really Matter

InsightaaS: Boston Consulting Group (BCG) describes itself as "a global management consulting firm and the world's leading advisor on business strategy." Like Bain &...

The Sunday Infographic: Funders & Founders – How Startup Valuation Works

InsightaaS: Funders & Founders is the brainchild of Anna and Mark Vital, "startup evangelists and infographic authors" whose mission is "to inspire everyone from...

Smithsonian: Arctic Unguarded – Melting Ice Opens Way for Invaders

InsightaaS: The Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) is dedicated to "research on linkages of land and water ecosystems in the coastal zone and provides...

McKinsey: Strategic principles for competing in the digital age

InsightaaS: McKinsey & Co. is a world-leading management consulting firm. Its flagship publication, McKinsey Quarterly, has been providing insight into key management issues for...

ZDNet: IT Security and Risk Management: An overview

InsightaaS: As we reach the one-year anniversary of the Snowden affair, many websites are offering a combination of reviews of the past 12 months...

CSC: Are the Robots Really Coming?

InsightaaS: CSC’s Leading Edge Forum is home to blog posts by noted author and analyst David Moschella, who has grown from a role as...

Bain & Co: Is your company ready for the Internet of...

InsightaaS: Bain & Company is one of the world's leading management consulting firms, employed by senior executives at major corporations to help them to...