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Tag: #AcrossTheNet

Avinash Kaushik: Digital Dashboards, Strategic & Tactical – Best Practices, Tips,...

InsightaaS: Avinash Kaushik is the author of two best-selling books (Web Analytics 2.0 and Web Analytics: An Hour A Day), an advisor to/lecturer at...

BCG: Distributed Energy – A Disruptive Force

InsightaaS: Boston Consulting Group (BCG) describes itself as "a global management consulting firm and the world’s leading advisor on business strategy." Like Bain &...

Deloitte U: Wizards and Trolls – Accelerating technologies, patent reform, and...

InsightaaS: Deloitte University Press is a source of deep, thought-provoking material on a wide range of technology and management issues. The site’s mandate is...

Naked Security: How to send 5 million spam emails without even...

InsightaaS: Regular Across the Net readers will be aware of our respect for  Naked Security, a news/blog site hosted by security vendor Sophos; we...

Cutter Consortium: Mobile Enterprise Collaboration Technology Trends and Market Developments

InsightaaS: Cutter Consortium is an IT advisory firm focused on software development and Agile project management. Cutter’s blog site site presents "opinions on and...

Forrester: eCommerce Evolution In Brazil

InsightaaS: Forrester Research is one of the world’s leading IT analyst firms — it is generally thought to be a key source of insight...

Louis Columbus: Roundup Of Cloud Computing Online Courses

InsightaaS: Louis Columbus's A Passion for Research blog (as regular Across the Net readers have seen) is one of the most interesting sources of information...

Chuck's Blog: Policy-based IT – the next frontier?

InsightaaS: A few weeks ago, we featured a post on software-defined infrastructure from the highly-regarded Chuck’s Blog. The blog's author, Chuck Hollis, is a...

Cloud Ave: A "great discussion" on changes in the VC industry

InsightaaS: We generally avoid self-referential posts, and this one, which was written by entrepreneur-turned-VC Mark Suster to describe a "great" conference discussion he was...

The Sunday Infographic: Cloud file sharing – a security nightmare for...

InsightaaS: Each Sunday, we highlight an infographic that we think will be of interest to Across the Net readers. This week's infographic comes to...

McKinsey: Sustainability's strategic worth – Global Survey results

InsightaaS: McKinsey & Co. is a world-leading management consulting firm, known for advising senior management within the world’s largest enterprises. Its website is a...

CSO Online: Why your online identity can never really be erased

InsightaaS: CSO Online is the digital home for security content generated by IDG, focusing on "information security, physical security, business continuity, identity and access...

Jeremiah Owyang: Crowdfunding is the Highest Form of Loyalty – Shared...

InsightaaS: Regular readers of Across the Net will have seen us highlight a number of posts by Jeremiah Owyang, the pioneering social media analyst...

HfS: Welcome to the age of Digital cruelty, where two-thirds of...

InsightaaS: In just six years, Phil Fersht’s Horses for Sources has become the standard for outsourcing research — and one of the world’s most...

CloudEndure: Azure and AWS reliability numbers

InsightaaS: We generally highlight a single third-party post on Across the Net, but we decided to try a two-fer today. In the past week,...