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Tag: #AcrossTheNet

Accenture: Companies Are Satisfied with Business Outcomes from Big Data

InsightaaS: Accenture doesn't really need an introduction, but as ATN generally provides one at the top of each post, we'll provide one here: "Accenture...

Nicholas Carr: Students and their devices

InsightaaS: "Back to school" has been on the minds of many people this month, and we thought we'd highlight some thoughts on the use...

World Economic Forum: How the data revolution will change the world

InsightaaS: Big Data seems to be everywhere in the media and blogosphere today, as commentators from all quarters put their perspective on what can...

The Net-Savvy Executive: The Limits to Personal Data Use and Abuse

InsightaaS: The Net-Savvy Executive is a blog by Nathan Gilliatt, an analyst who focuses on market intelligence and social media/analytics. In the post featured...

The Register: SHIP OF FAIL – How do we right capsized...

InsightaaS: The Register is a leading global online tech publication, with more than nine million monthly unique browsers worldwide. It combines broad coverage of...

Jason Lemkin: What the Second Time SaaS CEOs are All...

InsightaaS: Jason Lemkin — Co-Founder and CEO of SaaS firm EchoSign (until it was acquired by Adobe) - provides, via the excellent Enterprise Irregulars...

Wikibon: Big Data Success Requires A Storyteller's Touch

InsightaaS: Wikibon is one of the Internet’s most respected sources of IT industry insight, with world-leading analysts providing perspective on storage and system research,...

Moz: Are Hashtags Dead? Do Tweets with Images Get More Followers?...

InsightaaS: Moz is an interesting combination of SEO initiatives, including tools, instruction materials and an active community, built around the "TAGFEE (transparent, authentic, generous,...

Michael Geist: Why U.S. Pressure Is Behind the Stalled Canadian Anti-Counterfeiting...

InsightaaS: Michael Geist is well-known as a Canadian lawyer, professor and journalist who is committed to protecting Canadians' intellectual property (IP) and digital rights...a...

Deloitte U: Ten types of analytical innovation

InsightaaS: Deloitte University Press is a source of deep, thought-provoking material on a wide range of technology and management issues. The site’s mandate is...

Cutter Consortium: Leadership for Successful Agile Transitions

InsightaaS: Cutter Consortium is an IT advisory firm focused on software development and Agile project management. Cutter’s blog site site presents "opinions on and...

RSG: What the Dropbox price drop means for you

InsightaaS: The Real Story Group is "a buyer’s advocate for enterprises looking to invest in content technologies" specializing in independent vendor evaluations. In this...

Louis Columbus: Roundup Of 3D Printing Market Forecasts And Estimates, 2014

InsightaaS: Louis Columbus’ is one of the most popular authors featured on ATN. His A Passion for Research blog (as regular Across the Net readers...

Denis Pombriant: Evolving CRM

InsightaaS: Leading CRM analyst Denis Pombriant, in the excellent Enterprise Irregulars blog site, muses that we may have entered a "post-CRM era." Users (and...

Techaisle: Seven Lessons for Successful deployment from Current SMB VDI and...

InsightaaS: Regular readers of InsightaaS will recognize the name "Techaisle" - we often work with the California-based firm to produce research on the Canadian...