InsightaaS: At our recent Cloud Bootcamp event and in other interactions with the B2B IT community, InsightaaS is often drawn into discussions about how mobility and related solutions are a key method of attracting Millennials as employees. In this post published on the website of software developer Gigya, author Rachel Serpa looks at the other side of this issue: Millennials as a target market. The post includes five clear suggestions for marketers looking to build traction in this market: focusing on ease of access, personalization, m-commerce, creating feedback channels, and doing ‘something different’ – exploring ways (as in the KLM example used in the post) of connecting social preferences with buying options.
Millennials, those hyper connected consumers born from 1980-2000, are now responsible for generating $600 billion in sales revenue each year (Accenture). And in 2018 (that’s only 4 years away!) Millennial earnings are expected to outpace those of Baby Boomers (AdAge), driving the lionshare of market revenue across the globe.
So how do marketers effectively engage consumers who possess the digital prowess to tweet, text and talk at the same time? What’s the best way to establish relationships with customers who share social updates via their mobile phones while still in-store? And how do you grab the attention of users who have been inundated with billions of marketing messages each year since before they could talk?
Raised with direct and immediate access to information, brands, and fellow consumers, the Millennial generation is the first of its kind, and it’s now or never for marketers to start zeroing in on what it takes to move them through the purchase funnel. Here are 5 ways to engage, convert and retain the most coveted consumer segment in history…
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