Encryption key to cloud security
In the article below, Kevin Fogarty picks up cloud where he left it – with colourful discussion of security challenges that starts with the...
Innovate and integrate to connect security
‘An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure’ applies to more than stocking up on your vitamins. It is also a sound...
Building information architectures with future scale
Many of the organizations I consult with are looking for dashboards to help them gain better visibility into their data. Most of the time,...
Girls can too code
As I take ‘pen to paper’, an announcement that Karen Sheriff has been named President and CEO of Q9 Networks, a major Canadian provider...
Windows 10
When Microsoft introduced Windows 8, enterprises reacted much as vampires do to garlic — they threw up their arms and screamed "Noooooooo". There was...
Datacenter Dynamics tours Toronto
Most events in the technology industry are organized around the release of a new product, the opening of a new corporate location, or serve...
3M taking the HPC heat with immersion cooling
The ongoing search for ever more computing power through deployment of ever more powerful servers, combined with increasing constraints on data centre physical space...
Here we go again
Innovation can be a wonderful thing. The trouble is, it's a two-edged sword that can be used for good or ill. And when there's...
New IoT Reference Model creates common tongue
As a template for our times, the Tower of Babel story has much to offer. In the Genesis story, when united in language and in...
Risks of public cloud multiply even as enterprise use surges
A few years back, raising the issue of data privacy was viewed in many IT discussions as a traitorous act. Dazzled by the economic...
CSPs the third wave in HP SDN
Complexity in data centre networking has become axiomatic, as pressures imposed by the need to keep up with virtualization and cloud, Big Data volume...
Cloud relationships rule at Dell World 2014
Dell had a lot to crow about at its fourth annual user conference in Austin, Texas this week. In his opening keynote address at...
Understanding common data integration challenges
Working with a variety of organizations on consulting engagements and speaking with companies to learn more about their analytics initiatives, I have learned firsthand...
Dell trains eyes on security software
In building its Software Group, Dell has been careful to observe two key management maxims: the importance of integrating new capabilities to leverage the...
Public cloud rumblings gathering force
Using GE’s decision to shift to public cloud as an important anecdotal marker and market data from a number of research houses as quantitative...