
DMTI Insights Session tackles financial analytics

In an increasingly digitized world, data carries undeniable clout. At once the source of insight into optimizing business operations, data also supports the development...

VMware builds company and community support for mobile deployments

The mobile revolution is well underway and shows no signs of waning. At the hardware level, smartphone penetration has moved into hyperdrive: according to...

Securing the cloud to client continuum

The digitization of business process and personal practice is having a profound impact on productivity at work and in daily life. But our growing...
Lynn Greiner

Surface 3 under the reviewer’s eye

Ever since Microsoft launched its Surface tablet line, it has been struggling to capture the hearts of enterprise users. We've been through Surface Pro,...

Le roi est mort, vive le roi!

As these things go, the 26th CiscoLive! user conference was a feast for the drama lovers among us. And who doesn’t love drama? Apparently...

Curious about the trials, tools and techniques in data analytics?

The annual Information Builders Summit is about building community. As company CMO and SVP marketing Michael Corcoran noted in introductory remarks to the keynote...

Journey analytics breaking down infinity

Just when you think you have mastered the breaking down of information silos within your organization, analytics throws additional wrenches into the works. Whether...

The "final word" – Death of Core Competency, plus Jonathan King returns to TO!

When I published The Death of Core Competency: A management guide to cloud computing and the zero-friction future, I worked with CenturyLink to create...

ABB and InsightaaS release “The Shamrock Accords”

ABB and InsightaaS have combined to produce a new report that consolidates insights from a diverse group of data center professionals examining the business...

Cisco Connect 2015

As a watchword, “change is constant,” would be a fair representation of the state of the ICT nation. But given recent transformation at Cisco...

Data monetization via external apps

Many vendors talk about the importance of extracting value from information, but Information Builders (IB) is able to show how analytics have struck the...

Phishing trip

We’ve all gotten them – those emails that claim to be from an ISP, or a bank, or, for that matter, company management, asking...

CenturyLink builds in central Washington

CenturyLink is on the move again, this time into central Washington with this month’s announcement of a new data centre at Moses Lake. Designed...

Wavefront Summit 2015 trains eyes on IoT

The Internet of Things is a moving target that defies tidy description. Essentially a technology-enabled solutions approach to solving problems, IoT is comprised of...

Location analytics ‘how to’

Technology has long been labelled an enabler of business success. But as more and more companies come to recognize how important transition to the...