451 Research: 2014 M&A Outlook – Storage and systems
InsightaaS perspective: 451 Research is one of the world’s leading sources of insight into cutting edge technologies (including areas that are important to InsightaaS and our...
The Comms conundrum
InsightaaS: There is a space in the technology spectrum that is difficult to define, and which as a result, is difficult to develop. You...
New research details key attributes of mobility solutions
InsightaaS has just released a new whitepaper, Key Attributes of Corporate Mobility Solutions, that uses results from a November survey of Canadian businesses to...
The medium and the message: SDN, mobility and the cloud of the future
“By deploying SDN, by simplifying the network, reducing my costs to manage a network, I can take the funds that I saved and put...
Gore Mutual right-sizes network to drive 7% annual growth
Insightaas.com perspective: Beyond their intrinsic value as a showcase for new technology implementation, case studies provide another service. They demonstrate the art-of the-possible, and...
Key network questions (and answers) on BYOD and cloud
At the beginning of the summer, InsightaaS joined forces with Leger Marketing to investigate two related issues: the extent to which individual-owned devices (as...
Prep for the SDN journey
Software-defined networking has dominated the networking discourse over the past couple of years. A complex topic and technology, the SDN concept is still searching...
Mobile energy-management on the move
InsightaaS.com perspective: The broad adoption of consumer technologies is requiring accommodation by all industries, including the heavily regulated utility sector. Accenture’s study of consumer...
Go with the SDN Flow
Software-defined networking (SDN) is the ‘next big thing’ that has arrived. Based on the OpenFlow standard protocol, which enables the physical separation of the...
Formula 1 speed and performance
While investment in ICT is widely viewed as one of the key drivers of innovation and productivity, a number of inhibitors place ICT update...
Regulatory pyrotechnics at the 2013 Canadian Telecom Summit
If ever there was reason for regulation of Canada’s wireless competitive landscape, this was captured in the Regulatory Blockbuster extravaganza at this year’s Canadian...
Audacious objectives and a "culture of execution"
At most major Cisco events, the highlight is John Chambers’ keynote address. He is a charismatic speaker, at home on a platform from which...