Across the Net

Wikibon: Cloud and Big Data Upending IT Stalwarts

InsightaaS: Jeff Kelly has published an interesting new post on the Wikibon site, describing the impact that cloud and Big Data are having on IT industry incumbents....

Enterprise Irregulars: Satya Nadella, CEO Microsoft

InsightaaS: Leading software analyst Denis Pombriant, in the excellent Enterprise Irregulars blog site, provides a nuanced description of the IT industry, Microsoft's place within...

HfS: Automation – it's about solving business problems, stupid!

InsightaaS: In just six years, Phil Fersht's Horses for Sources has become the standard for outsourcing research - and one of the world's most...

ASYMCO: Apple's Growth Scorecard

InsightaaS: Across the Net often highlights posts from Horace Dediu’s ASYMCO blog, an interesting source of insight into issues pertaining to Apple, and to...

Cloud Ave: Thwarting the Mobile Data Security Threat

InsightaaS: Cloud Ave. is a site that examines cloud through both a technology and a business lens. In this post, Gilad Parann-Nissany, founder and...

Michael Geist: Here We Go Again: Canadian Recording Industry Calls on Government To Regulate...

InsightaaS: Readers who follow Across the Net know that we are appreciate and support the efforts of Michael Geist to expose issues and legislation...

Gartner: Securing The Internet of Thing – Some Not-So-Obvious Concerns

InsightaaS: The Gartner Blog Network collects posts from across Gartner’s research community. In this post, Gartner research VP Earl Perkins asks three questions about...

Jeremiah Owyang: It's Just the Economy

InsightaaS: Anyone with a background in social media is likely familiar with Jeremiah Owyang, who did seminal research on the topic when he was...

Dan Kusnetzky: Red Hat and virtualization – it's the ecosystem, baby

InsightaaS:Frequently, when we hear the word "hybrid," we envision an environment in which public and private cloud resources are connected into a single infrastructure....

Forrester: Discussions are anything but neutral in Net Neutrality debate

InsightaaS: Forrester Research is one of the world’s leading IT analyst firms — it is generally thought to be a key source of insight...

Naked Security: NSA sweeps up hundreds of millions of text messages daily

InsightaaS: Naked Security is a news/blog site hosted by security vendor Sophos. In this post, Lee Munson, founder of Security FAQs, reports on UK...

Cutter Consortium: Big, Bad Data?

InsightaaS: Cutter Consortium is an IT advisory firm focused on software development and agile project management. Cutter’s blog site site presents "opinions on and...

ASYMCO: Google's 3 Ps

InsightaaS: Across the Net often highlights posts from Horace Dediu’s ASYMCO blog, an interesting source of insight into issues pertaining to Apple, and to...

Michael Geist: The Shameful Canadian Silence on Surveillance

InsightaaS: Readers who follow Across the Net know that we are appreciate and support the efforts of Michael Geist to expose issues and legislation...

I am OnDemand: OpenStack, A Community Torn Apart- Freedland, Bias and Scoble

InsightaaS: A recent post attracted comments from two sources - Cloud Ave, which we have highlighted in Across the Net before, and I am...