Michael Geist: Canada Still Among Ten Most Expensive Countries for Broadband Internet Services

InsightaaS: Michael Geist, leading Canadian expert on communications policy and privacy legislation, has recently posted three different pieces on Canadian broadband rates. The first item discussed an OECD report on broadband rates; it was followed by a reply to a critique by TELUS on his first post. This post, “OECD Report: Canada Still Among Ten Most Expensive Countries for Broadband Internet Services” continues the discussion.


Yesterday I blogged twice about the 2013 OECD Communications Outlook, a major international report issued once every two years with detailed comparative data on telecommunications throughout the developed economy world. My first post noted that Canada’s wireless performance ranks poorly, as it is among the most ten most expensive countries within the OECD in virtually every category and among the three most expensive countries for several standard data only plans. After Telus responded to my post, I followed up with a second post that examined some of the Telus-specific data used by the OECD. Those measures ranked Canada as the 2nd most expensive of 7 countries for 1 GB of wireless data (at speeds Telus customers are likely to receive) and the second most expensive of 19 countries for 500 MB of wireless data for tablets (again at speeds Telus customers are likely to receive).

The OECD report also includes comparative data on broadband services with Canada ranked among  the ten most expensive countries in virtually every tier..

Read the entire post: http://www.michaelgeist.ca/content/view/6907/125/