Jeremiah Owyang: The White House Embraces the Maker Movement

InsightaaS: Those interested in social media are familiar with Jeremiah Owyang, who did seminal research on the topic when he was at Forrester, and left with colleague Charlene Li to form the Altimeter Group in 2008. Owyang continues to be one of the voices shaping perceptions on social media today — but lately, he has also become a leading proponent of the Maker Movement, which encourages the spread of 3D printing to allow for global trade in ideas and designs supporting the local creation of goods. In this post, Owyang provides an update on the movement – and how it has attracted the attention of the White House. 

Large companies seek signals from market leaders on future trends —so they can align their plans in the right direction. One clear signal that rings loud and clear is the United States White House’s commitment to innovation in the Maker Movement.

The Maker Movement, which we consider part of the larger Collaborative Economy, empowers people to build their own goods in their community and offering it to others in a global marketplace. They use simple wood working tools, create new types of food, or tap advanced technologies like 3D printing.

Crowd Companies was honored to host the White House on a members concall to learn about their vision and commitment towards the Maker Movement.

Now the Maker Movement is gaining significantly more traction as it has been embraced by the executive branch of the federal government with the announcement that the White House will host a Maker Faire later in 2014…

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