Tag: research and resources
7L Networks rides Toronto's start-up wave with specialized contracts
InsightaaS perspective: 451 Research is one of the world’s leading sources of insight into cutting edge technologies — especially in areas that are important...
“Intelligence-led policing” in reach with analytics
ICT is widely viewed as enabler of productivity improvement, but new technology adoption is often a horse of a different colour. The process involves...
Collaboration and commercialization – research from CATAAlliance
InsightaaS summary: Like the IT industry as a whole, InsightaaS generally equates "collaboration" with "technologies that enable collaboration": SharePoint and other file sharing systems,...
451 Research: Canadian Colo opens new downtown Montreal datacenter
By Michael Levy; special to InsightaaS.com from 451 Research
InsightaaS perspective: 451 Research is one of the world’s leading sources of insight into cutting edge...
Are Tablets Really Replacing PCs within SMBs?
By Anurag Agrawal; special to InsightaaS.com from Techaisle
InsightaaS perspective: Over the past several years, the major IT research houses (except, to be fiar, for...
Mobile energy-management on the move
InsightaaS.com perspective: The broad adoption of consumer technologies is requiring accommodation by all industries, including the heavily regulated utility sector. Accenture’s study of consumer...
451 Research: DBaaS poised to drive next-generation database growth
By Matt Aslett; special to InsightaaS.com from 451 Research
InsightaaS perspective: 451 Research is one of the world’s leading sources of insight into cutting edge...
Creating value through the IoE ‘Value at Stake’
Building use case is a key piece of demand generation in the tech world and beyond. The best examples feature broad applicability to reach...
OnApp’s CDN.Net service adds streaming to the mix
By Jim Davis; special to InsightaaS.com from 451 Research
InsightaaS perspective: 451 Research is one of the world’s leading sources of insight into cutting edge...
Microsoft Canada opens 'technology wonderland'
InsightaaS.com perspective: The launch of the MTC reflects the reality of increasing complexity in IT. The technologies that Microsoft delivers — desktops, servers, software...
Mind the gap: security and mobile devices
In our first research release, InsightaaS.com teams with Leger 360 to look at Canadians’ use of personal devices to access and store corporate data...
Formula 1 speed and performance
While investment in ICT is widely viewed as one of the key drivers of innovation and productivity, a number of inhibitors place ICT update...
Building the net with PCL
While investment in ICT is widely viewed as one of the key drivers of innovation and productivity, a number of inhibitors place IT update...
New math: personal connections in an era of infinite data
InsightaaS synopsis: "1+1=3: CMO & CIO collaboration best practices that drive growth," a Canadian Marketing Association whitepaper sponsored by IBM Canada and prepared by...
Disruptive Technologies in the Datacenter
By Katie Broderick; special to InsightaaS.com from 451 Research.
InsightaaS perspective: 451 Research is one of the world’s leading sources of insight into cutting edge...