Tag: #Privacy
Symantec Canada: filling the privacy and security gaps
With over 20,600 employees in 50 countries, Symantec is the fourth largest software company in the world, and a leading provider of managed security...
Cloud Security, Privacy and Reliability, a new community offering from...
The Toronto Cloud Business Coalition – a group of more than 60 Canadian experts drawn from the IT management, cloud services provider, channel, academic, VC/corporate finance...
The shape of "things" to come
Every January, the Consumer Electronics Show, now simply known as CES, fills virtually every available space in Las Vegas with the latest and greatest...
Big Brother is watching
We tend to think of our phones and computers as personal devices. They live close to our bodies, and are privy to confidential information....
Last Panacea session explores cloud future
In a fitting farewell to the Reset on the Panacea of Cloud series, presenters at month’s CenturyLink breakfast event talked about the future. A...
Scaling EHR with CenturyLink cloud
Founded in 2002, Nightingale is one of the largest providers of cloud-based Electronic Health Record (EHR) and practice management solutions to Ontario healthcare organizations,...
HBR: With Big Data Comes Big Responsibility
InsightaaS: To be really honest, I was actually planning to highlight a different article from November's HBR magazine: the IoT treatise "How Smart, Connected...
David Moschella: The Internet Has Been A Huge Privacy Plus, Thus...
InsightaaS: There are a few patterns that can be observed in ATN's approach to the content we feature: we enjoy contrarian points of view,...
The Net-Savvy Executive: The Limits to Personal Data Use and Abuse
InsightaaS: The Net-Savvy Executive is a blog by Nathan Gilliatt, an analyst who focuses on market intelligence and social media/analytics. In the post featured...
CSO Online: Why your online identity can never really be erased
InsightaaS: CSO Online is the digital home for security content generated by IDG, focusing on "information security, physical security, business continuity, identity and access...
Naked Security: Panopticlick reveals the cookie you can't delete
InsightaaS: We often highlight pieces from Naked Security on Across the Net; over the past handful of months, we've drawn attention to posts on...
Business-cloud.com: Respect Networks launches private cloud
InsightaaS: Back in the very early days of the Internet - when our vision of how it might evolve was being shaped by books...
The Economist: Hiding from big data
InsightaaS: There is an old saying in consulting - a response to customer desires in which they are told "you can have fast, good...
Naked Security: Facebook privacy case to be referred to European Court...
InsightaaS: We often say that we live and compete in a 'global economy,' but it can be easy to forget that there are obligations...