Tag: #COVID-19
IBM offers “Watson Assistant for Citizens” to provide responses to COVID-19...
ARMONK, N.Y., April 2, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- With COVID-19 affecting 206 countries, areas and territories, IBM (NYSE: IBM) is helping government agencies, healthcare organizations and academic institutions throughout the...
Commvault provides free laptop data protection with unlimited Azure storage through...
We understand the challenge you, the IT community, is currently facing with the global health crisis and resulting changes in how we work. Now,...
VPNs in Canada increase by a staggering 206% amid Covid-19 crisis
As the coronavirus crisis has intensified, most businesses have commendably followed government advice to enable their employees to work from home. NordVPN Teams has...
Open Solidarity to address COVID-19 crisis
We hear quite a bit about ‘tech for the good’ – technology’s unique ability to support social, cultural or environmental progress. We also hear...