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Tag: #cloud

Vitamin Y: Cloud Symposium Recap – Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC)

Context: In April 2015, InsightaaS teamed with stakeholders from across the cloud community – enterprise and SMB IT management, global IT leaders and Canadian cloud...

Vitamin Y: DCD Cloud Symposium a launch pad for IoTCC

Context In April 2015, InsightaaS teamed with stakeholders from across the cloud community – enterprise and SMB IT management, global IT leaders and Canadian cloud...

TCBC releases Cloud Business Models, Metrics and Imperatives Best Practices whitepaper

New report combines input from Canadian experts to provide guidance on engaging non-IT executives in scoping, planning and delivering cloud initiatives The Toronto Cloud Business...

Vitamin Y: Cloud Symposium Recap – Cloud Business Models, Metrics and...

Context: In April 2015, InsightaaS teamed with stakeholders from across the cloud community – enterprise and SMB IT management, global IT leaders and Canadian cloud...

Vitamin Y: Cloud Symposium Recap – Advanced Cloud Application Adoption and...

Context: In April 2015, InsightaaS teamed with stakeholders from across the cloud community – enterprise and SMB IT management, global IT leaders and Canadian cloud...

Plenty of process change chat at DCD Converged Canada

InsightaaS collaborated with global conference organizer DatacenterDynamics to deliver a major IT/cloud trade show event in Toronto last week. Our contributions to the Cloud/App...

FOCUS 15 trains lens on the Threat Detection Lifecycle

The proliferation of technology – and how we consume it – are having profound effects on our productivity, work styles and service delivery. But...

From threat to theatre: CenturyLink and the cloud channel conundrum

Channel distribution is a relatively new approach for CenturyLink in Canada that is gaining ground with the advance of cloud service delivery. The company...

VMware keystone in Saskatchewan healthcare cloud

Background eHealth Saskatchewan is the custodian of electronic health records in the province of Saskatchewan, and manages the record of all interactions that one million...

Cloud shines through acquisition buzz at Dell World 2015

With a quick quip on the expectation that he explain “version 1.0 of the theory of the universe,” Michael Dell intimated at Dell World...

Locating IoT in current mobile trends

Mobility is widely viewed as a crucial driver of new productivity. Arming the mobile worker with the tools needed to work anywhere and to...

Vitamin Y: HP on the road – showing its new side

Context: Since August 2015, HP has been engaged in a division of the company that will be formalized on November 1st through launch of...

Rogers’ cloud converging mobile and IT

In IT speak, “as-a-Service” has come to stand for ‘instant’ and ‘easy’ – attributes that Rogers stressed in announcing new services aimed at helping...

Interesting survey on cloud within Canadian SMBs

Primus has just released the results of a Canadian survey on SMB cloud use. The survey of 300 SMBs (5-99 employees), conducted by Leger,...

Aaron Dignan: The Operating Model that is Eating the World

InsightaaS: This 2013 post, by digital strategist Aaron Dignan, was nominated as a reference for the TCBC Planning for the Cloud/Cloud Strategy - SMB...