Scott Lowe of Wikibon: How CIOs can fix IT

InsightaaS: Scott Lowe of Wikibon, the open source community of world-leading storage analysts, has published a piece that calls for an “IT 2020” vision of how IT supports its business users.

From the post:
“In organizations in which the organizational dynamic are skewed against the CIO, the CIO has an uphill battle to fight and must take a number of important steps to begin repairing the rift and ensuring that IT is viewed as an equal and capable business partner.  But, CIOs can’t always go it alone.  Repairing a deep rift in any relationship requires efforts from both sides of the equation.

That said, the CIO has it within his or her power to start the process.  But first, the CIO has to understand how the business views IT so that appropriate mediation actions can be taken…”

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