FinancesOnline: Review of Famous Company Logos – How Big Business Uses The Emotional Power of Logos

InsightaaS: We don’t generally provide coverage of infographics, but this one – sent to us by Alex Hillsberg, co-auther of the accompanying blog post on – was certainly interesting enough to share. It provides a virtual tour through logos – the impact of different colours, impact on recall (even amongst 2-3 year olds), costs of development and transitions over time.

Golden arches. Swoosh. Mouse ears. You know what they mean. Some logos are so powerful that they don’t need to spell out their names, or that they transcend cultural borders. How can these simple, trivial little artworks inspire global familiarity with so many of them having become iconic? Because they’re not trivial or simple.

Iconic logos are masters of subtleties and understatements. In the infographic below, we learn that logos carry sublime color meanings. Do you ever wonder why some logos are bright yellow and some red? Why luxury brands are usually black, white, or brown, while corporate logos are blue?

We know it’s not set in stone, but colors can evoke a specific emotional response from us. Red means active, yellow is energetic, blue is reliable, green is nature, etc. In fact, it doesn’t stop at the obvious; researchers at the University of Rochester in New York believe red can actually “keep us from performing our best on tests.”

Moreover, logos may already be playing with your subconscious at a much earlier stage of your life. Researchers at the University of Amsterdam found that children 2-3 years old could already recall a logo and the product it represents in 67% of cases….

Read the post and view the infographic in its initial context:


business logos review
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