Cloud Tweaks: People Are Holding Back The Efficient Enterprise

InsightaaS: Cloud Tweaks uses a combination of research and editorial bloggers (both staff and outside contributors) to inform readers about key IT topics: cloud, convergence, and green, grid and utility computing. In this post, Lou Shipley, CEO of VMTurbo, discusses first steps in the path to SDN.


I had the pleasure of participating on a Software Defined Networking (SDN) panel hosted by Evercore Partners in Boston recently and the topic of people came up in the discussion. What became clear during the panel was that as virtualization grows, its effect on storage, networking and end user computing has made it impossible to manage each domain separately. This makes it almost impossible — but definitely inefficient and costly — to put people in the middle of workload placement and optimization decisions. Simply put, people are holding back the efficient IT enterprise.

To be clear: this is not to say that humans should be removed from IT altogether…

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