Cloud Ave: What’s Your Cloud Type?

InsightaaS: Cloud Ave. is a site that examines cloud through both a technology and a business lens. In this post, Vineet Jain,  CEO and Co-Founder of cloud storage specialists Egnyte, uses yet another model – physiology – to look at “cloud-o-phorics,” “cloud-o-phobics,” and the need to consider cloud a tool in transformation, not a destination in and of itself.

In the 1940’s a psychologist Dr. William Sheldon came up with a classification of body types — endomorphs, who have a high percentage of bodyfat; mesomorphs, who are muscular and ectomorphs, lacking either much fat or muscle tissue. While this was intended as a general framework Dr. Sheldon also stated most people were a mixture of these types.

This description of three body types has become an integral part of most literature on weight loss, fitness and bodybuilding.  The reasoning is simple; for a person to be healthy requires an understanding of their body type.  The diet and exercise pattern for an endomorph to achieve certain goals differs from that of an ectomorph trying to achieve those same goals.

Which brings me to the Cloud!

In the course of thousands of customer interactions over the last few years it’s become evident to me that not every customer views the cloud the same way.  Their cloud type, if I may create this word, is different…

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