
Defining cloud's new rules

We’ve all attended panel discussions that include audience participation — but what happens when the audience itself is driving the discussion? In October, a...

Waterfront Toronto laying intelligent ICT foundations

Smart cities have emerged from urban design as technology marvels offering residents new levels of sustainable public and private services. Green transport, resource recycling,...

Celebrating Canadian Entrepreneurs

For the past 34 years, the Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) has mounted Small Business Week in the third week of October to...

Gore Mutual right-sizes network to drive 7% annual growth

Insightaas.com perspective: Beyond their intrinsic value as a showcase for new technology implementation, case studies provide another service. They demonstrate the art-of the-possible, and...

Eric Gales on building VMware opportunity

VMware has undergone significant transformation over the past year. Under the leadership of Pat Gelsinger, appointed CEO in September, 2012, the company has streamlined...

The Citrix cloud drives a new solution category: Mobility Delivery Infrastructure (MDI)

InsightaaS: InsightaaS has a unique partnership with Techaisle, a global supplier of deep, fact-based research on IT adoption trends. InsightaaS's Michael O'Neil recently collaborated...

Six keys to finding business value in Big Data analytics

Here at InsightaaS, we’ve organized content around the "five Cs"of cloud, collaboration, cognition, communications and clients. In conversation with Information Builders, we explored the...

Women in IT: barriers and boom

Beyond personal success as a female professional in the IT world, Joanne Moretti has devoted several years to working with IT women’s organizations to...

“Intelligence-led policing” in reach with analytics

ICT is widely viewed as enabler of productivity improvement, but new technology adoption is often a horse of a different colour. The process involves...

Collaboration and commercialization – research from CATAAlliance

InsightaaS summary: Like the IT industry as a whole, InsightaaS generally equates "collaboration" with "technologies that enable collaboration": SharePoint and other file sharing systems,...

Meeting of the Minds 2013 recaps government play in Smart Cities agenda

"Just image the possibilities," urged Stratford Mayor Dan Mathieson at the Toronto installment of The Meeting of the Minds  event held at the Evergreen...

Key network questions (and answers) on BYOD and cloud

At the beginning of the summer, InsightaaS joined forces with Leger Marketing to investigate two related issues: the extent to which individual-owned devices (as...

vCloud Hybrid Services lift off

To cloud or not to cloud? That has been the question dogging the global leader in virtualization software for some time now. But at...

University of Toronto adds new certificate program in Big Data

According to a recent McKinsey & Company study, "The United States alone faces a shortage of 140,000 to 190,000 people with analytical expertise and...

RBC's Secure Cloud for mobile wallet

Canadians - and their banking institutions - have proved precocious in the embrace of new technologies. Early adopters of debit cards, Canadians have looked...