Augment your reality
Virtual reality (VR) seems to have captured peoples' imaginations this year. We have Oculus Rift (owned by Facebook) and HTC Vive and other toys...
IB Summit 2016 – hot trends and Big BI
“Data is the hot market to be in for users and for vendors,” declared Jeremy Ballanco, Information Builders VP of iWay sales, at IB...
TCBC Cloud Bootcamp take two
Figuring out the cloud is a challenge for many businesses. They can't decide which of the many definitions applies, and how any of them...
Forecasting the future of cloud
The final session at the Toronto Cloud Business Coalition's cloud bootcamp was entitled "Open Forum: The Future of Cloud Technology." In it, attendees - who,...
Equinix IOA unlocks global opportunity for big business in Canada
When the Canadian market beckoned, Equinix responded with the opening of a new US$100 million International Business Exchange (IBX) data centre in the heart...
Know thyself, know thy enemy
Sometimes a new lens can show an age-old problem in a clearer light. At least that’s the thinking behind a new white paper from...
Information Builders plugs the gap
Big Data and analytics are, as we keep being told, hot, hot, hot. Trolling through masses of input from as many sources as we...
Hybrid vigour
When the cloud rose to prominence, as usual pundits promptly declared that it would replace previous technologies. In the IT world, anything new tends...
Positioning colo in a cloudy future
A carrot and the stick are accelerating the migration of business servers from on-premise to provider facilities. Driven by high CAPEX and OPEX costs...
Are passwords really passé?
Future proofing anything is a monumental challenge in the IT world these days. Identification and authentication are areas that are especially problematic. For every...
Aligning BI skill, practice and healthcare outcomes
ICT skills development has long been lauded as a key input to business productivity, a vehicle for improving labour employability and indeed as the...
Held for Ransom
Within the past month, several high-profile attacks have brought an increasingly popular form of malware into the public eye. It’s known as ransomware, and...
Mobility Phase III – a new take on business productivity
In today’s work world, productivity is measured by outcome rather than time, and performance, not presence, serves as the better gauge of employee value....
Hydro delivers a DC power boost
La belle province is the new darling of the Canadian data centre industry. Driven by growing appetite for data centre services associated with the...
Prepping for the present: best practices in cloud skills
The Toronto Cloud Business Coalition – a group of more than 80 Canadian experts drawn from the IT management, cloud services provider, channel, academic, VC/corporate finance...