News and Views

Yitamin Y: How open is open, and when is open too open?

Context: Dell Canada recently invited InsightaaS and other IT journalists to a presentation designed to establish Dell thought leadership on IT infrastructure challenges facing the...

The shape of "things" to come

Every January, the Consumer Electronics Show, now simply known as CES, fills virtually every available space in Las Vegas with the latest and greatest...
Bridging iot

Bridging the IoT divide

A vision for the connection of people, process, data and things, the Internet of Things currently functions more as a collection of discrete solutions....
Mabel's Labels

Mabel’s Labels explores Office 365

Background: Mabel’s Labels was established in 2003 as a home-based business by four Hamilton-based mothers. The waterproof label for children’s items company has grown...
Intelligence Sharing

Serving the common good: intelligence sharing in an era of automation

  Vincent Weafer is a long term veteran of the IT industry and cyber security battleground. A former VP of Symantec’s security response unit, as...

IB’s Healthcare Symposium 2015 explores cultural transformation

What is the sound of one hand clapping? Can analytics drive better business outcomes when used in isolation, and what is the value of...
Computer Puzzle

Scalar Decisions launches Advanced SOC in new TO home

Context: Canadian solutions integrator Scalar Decisions is at a high peak in its growth trajectory, and has the new digs to prove it. This...

Split mandate or new model for the CIO?

For many years, the suggestion box served as a source of fresh ideas from outside traditional hierarchies of organizational authority. In today’s IT world,...

SAS takes analytics into the network

When Dr. James Goodnight and his partners founded the SAS Institute in 1976 after running almost a decade as a successful academic project at...

FOCUS 15 trains lens on the Threat Detection Lifecycle

The proliferation of technology – and how we consume it – are having profound effects on our productivity, work styles and service delivery. But...

From threat to theatre: CenturyLink and the cloud channel conundrum

Channel distribution is a relatively new approach for CenturyLink in Canada that is gaining ground with the advance of cloud service delivery. The company...

Could 3D printing change enterprise culture and processes?

3D printing started out as a gargantuan technology that took up a larger footprint than most offices could accommodate. In the early iterations, it...

The Salesforce IoT Cloud

There's nothing like hitting all of the trends with one product. This year, the Internet of Things (IoT) is hot, hot, hot, as is...

VMware keystone in Saskatchewan healthcare cloud

Background eHealth Saskatchewan is the custodian of electronic health records in the province of Saskatchewan, and manages the record of all interactions that one million...

Cloud shines through acquisition buzz at Dell World 2015

With a quick quip on the expectation that he explain “version 1.0 of the theory of the universe,” Michael Dell intimated at Dell World...