IT Management

Vitamin Y: The value of (business) collaboration

Context: At InsightaaS, we write extensively about "collaboration" — and like many professionals with an IT bent, we often interpret the term itself as referring...

451 Research: 451 Security Summit – Securing the data supply chain, part 2

InsightaaS perspective: 451 Research is one of the world’s leading sources of insight into cutting edge technologies — including areas that are important to...

Vitamin Y: Minds Meeting in Detroit

Context: Meeting of the Minds has become the premier leadership conference for sustainable cities. An initiative of Urban Age Institute which works to foster leadership...

New InsightaaS whitepaper links security with success and profitability

A new Dell-sponsored whitepaper by InsightaaS ‘connects the dots’ between IT security practices and business success. The paper, which includes research conducted by Techaisle,...

Building cloud security from the end up

In the spring of 2009, Gartner identified data security as one of the top five inhibitors to broader adoption of cloud computing. Research commissioned...

Who can you trust?

Technology, like any tool, can be used well or badly. Sometimes the bad is malicious, and sometimes it's just the result of laziness, carelessness,...

Heartbleed should be making you sweat

It’s been a couple of months since news of the Heartbleed vulnerability first spawned global near-hysteria. The bug, which sat virtually unnoticed on approximately...

Digitization driving healthcare necessity and invention

A key beneficiary of the transformative impact of IT, healthcare is undergoing massive change. Like many other industries, this sector is renovating to set...

Vitamin Y: Goin’ down the Canadian Road

Context: CDW rolled its Technoliner into Canadian territory this week, launching its Canada tour with a debut performance in Toronto’s downtown lakefront district. Built...

CASL and e-communications in Canada: in pursuit of the Dark Ages

Context: For many of us, the 1990s don’t seem like a very long time ago — but from a work mode perspective, they are almost...

Do you need a DRP for winter?

For anyone responsible for purchasing deploying, maintaining or even using technology in anything remotely approaching a business setting — meaning all of us —...

Vitamin Y: ASCII Chicago

Context: The 40-year-old ASCII organization provides support for 2000 SMB VAR members via sessions across the US. InsightaaS was invited to "pinch hit" for our...

The Power to do More security

Dell’s conversation with customers is changing. With a nod to the company’s continued strength in PC, server and data centre markets, in his address...

Bleeding Hearts

So much can change in a week. A scant few days ago, people believed that seeing that little padlock on a website's address bar...

The Internet Manifesto

The Internet is a mixed blessing. It connects us to the world, and the world to us. That's good. And that's bad. Like any...