Silanis works cloud for customer and company benefit
Half a decade ago, cloud computing burst onto the commercial scene as a viable option for the delivery of software, IT infrastructure, and even...
Twelve Steps to Cloud Success: A Presentation
In November, InsightaaS principal analyst Michael O'Neil published the acclaimed "The Death of Core Competency: A management guide to cloud computing and the zero-friction...
Anatomy of an acquisition: creating the “perfect storm”
Conventional wisdom on developing new capability holds that there are three distinct approaches – companies can build, buy or ally. Each path is viewed...
Cogeco set to launch next gen cloud
How do you make cloud more compelling? This was the question facing Cogeco Data Services, which went public this past December with plans to...
Setting the bar on data centre best practices
In data centre economics, design is half the battle. Site location, deployment of modular build, state-of-the-art facilities technologies and high efficiency IT equipment have...
451 Research: Cloud Price Index: mapping the ‘cloud war’ battle lines
InsightaaS: A cloud service is a service, is a service. Right? Not so, according to the 451 Research Group, which has developed a ‘Cloud...
Ten predictions for 2015 – and five issues to keep an eye on for...
It’s that time of year, the one where everybody is making a list, checking it twice, and then using it as a way of...
Public cloud rumblings gathering force
Using GE’s decision to shift to public cloud as an important anecdotal marker and market data from a number of research houses as quantitative...
The outcomes-based business cloud
InsightaaS: On November 3, InsightaaS Principal Analyst Michael O'Neil is releasing a new book on cloud entitled "The Death of Core Competency: A management...
The outcomes-based future of cloud
InsightaaS: It's clear to anyone who has an interest in cloud that the technology and scope of deployment has been evolving rapidly over the...
Management algorithms a cloud panacea?
In the article below, Kevin Fogarty tackles the thorny topic of data centre power management, a huge subject that encomp
asses cloud and virtualization technologies,...
TR3 liftoff in Markham
The Toronto data centre space is hot, and getting hotter. One of North America's ten largest markets, the GTA is also one of the...
451 Research: From outsourcing to 'cloudsourcing' & whither ITO?
InsightaaS perspective: 451 Research is one of the world’s leading sources of insight into cutting edge technologies — especially in areas that are important...
CTS a new private cloud "standards" bearer
Long heralded as the cloud of choice for businesses with unique data security, privacy or regulatory requirements, private cloud deployment is like an itch...
It's time to get paranoid about cloud
For customers of cloud-based services, the July 31, 2014 ruling by a US district court judge that data stored on Microsoft's email servers in...