Enterprise Irregulars: Strategic Focus – I'm Just Trying to Get My Space Together
InsightaaS: We frequently feature the Enterprise Irregulars in Across the Net - and at least one of us spends a fair amount of time...
CIO Dashboard: 5 Behaviors of Digital Performance
InsightaaS: CIO Dashboard is a blog run by PwC principal Chris Curran. In this post, he provides analysis of top-performing firms - those ranking...
Al Jazeera: Gigabytes gone wild
InsightaaS: Although InsightaaS cites many different sources in Across the Net, Al Jazeera had never been one, until we were prompted to review this...
Gartner: Worldwide Software Market Grew 4.8 Percent in 2013
InsightaaS: We don’t ordinarily post links to press releases here, but this one seemed worthy of an exception. Gartner has released its 2013 software...
Ovum: Organizations should consider cloud-based backup and recovery
InsightaaS: Ovum’s StraightTalk blogsite provides a central portal for opinions from Europe’s best-recognized IT analyst firm. In this post, software analyst Amrita Choudhury urges...
Krigsman: ERP contradictions in 2014 – Smaller projects, more delays
InsightaaS: Michael Krigsman — well-known IT expert and author of the widely-read Beyond IT Failure blog on ZDNet — has published a piece analyzing...
The Sunday Infographic: The cloud storage battle – Box vs. Dropbox
InsightaaS: Continuing last week's precedent (do two weeks make a pattern?), we bring you an "infographic of the week." In this one, the folks...
Jonathan Koomey: Exxon agrees to evaluate the "stranded asset" risk associated with climate action
InsightaaS: Many longer-time readers are aware that in addition to the material published on this site, the InsightaaS.com team publishes in other venues —...
McKinsey: Views from the front lines of the data-analytics revolution
InsightaaS: McKinsey & Co. is a world-leading management consulting firm. Its flagship publication, McKinsey Quarterly, has been providing insight into key management issues for...
Enterprise Irregulars: Developing Customer IP
InsightaaS: Leading CRM analyst Denis Pombriant, in the excellent Enterprise Irregulars blog site, makes a compelling case to treating "customer IP" as a class...
Andrew McAfee: Non-Technologists Agree: It’s the Technology
InsightaaS: Andrew McAfee is well-known as a commentator on the business of, investment trends within, and the social implications resulting from IT. In this...
HBR: Do People Really Want Smarter Toothbrushes?
InsightaaS: Harvard Business Review (HBR) is recognized worldwide as a leading source of management insight and innovation. In this post, Gordon Hui, an executive...
Gartner: Zombies Drive Me To Go Out of the Box
InsightaaS: The Gartner Blog Network collects posts from across Gartner’s research community. In this post, Gartner research director Jeff Brooks delivers the first of...
Naked Security: Security Essentials – What is PCI DSS?
InsightaaS: Naked Security is a news/blog site hosted by security vendor Sophos. In this post, John Shier, a senior security expert at Sophos, provides...
FinancesOnline: Review of Famous Company Logos – How Big Business Uses The Emotional Power...
InsightaaS: We don't generally provide coverage of infographics, but this one - sent to us by Alex Hillsberg, co-auther of the accompanying blog post...