Across the Net

SiliconANGLE: The Data Economy – Understanding the Hadoop-Data warehouse balance of power

InsightaaS: Founded in 2009, SiliconANGLE provides IT news and analysis focused on "where computer science intersects social science." In this post, Wikibon analyst Jeffrey...

CSC: Nobody Has a Monopoly on Digital Leadership

InsightaaS: CSC’s Leading Edge Forum carries occasional posts from several CSC experts — notably, author and analyst David Moschella, who has grown from...

The Sunday Infographic: Wikibon on Big Data

InsightaaS: Each Sunday, we publish an infographic in the Across the Net section of This week, we're pleased to publish one from leading...

Bill St. Arnaud: NRENs, electric cars, Internet of Things, SDN-P and new funding

InsightaaS: Regular readers are aware that's principals are committed to expanding awareness of the connection between IT and sustainability: we research and write...

HBR: A Social Brain is a Smarter Brain

InsightaaS: Harvard Business Review (HBR) is recognized worldwide as a leading source of management insight and innovation. In this post, Andy Zynga, CEO of...

CIO Dashboard: Scaling Agile for the Enterprise

InsightaaS: CIO Dashboard is a blog run by PwC principal Chris Curran. In this post, guest bloggers Tim Mattix, Mario Gouvea and Vikram Purohit...

Nick Carr: Sharecropping for Coursera

InsightaaS: A May Day post on Nicholas Carr’s Rough Type blog looks at how a for-profit company - Coursera - is attempting to fatten...

Dean Bubley: Net Neutrality – getting the right compromise: Focus on innovation!

InsightaaS: Dean Bubley is the founder of telecom consulting company Disruptive Analysis, which analyzes telco business models, and publisher of Dean Bubley’s Disruptive Wireless...

Dark Reading: Microsoft Warns Of Zero-Day Vulnerability In Internet Explorer

InsightaaS: UBM's Dark Reading is one of the web's best security information resources, connecting security professionals and information via ten communities that "drill deeper...

Louis Columbus: Roundup Of Cloud Computing Forecasts And Market Estimates, 2014

InsightaaS: Readers of Across the Net will be familiar with the work of Louis Columbus; we have cited his Enterprise Irregulars posts in the...

The Sunday Infographic: The Economics of Netflix (how to make a $100 million show)

InsightaaS: Each Sunday, we "double up" on Across the Net posts, adding an infographic to our daily text posts. Today's comes from Great Business...

Energy Economics Exchange: Shipping oil by rail: A modern-day problem of social cost

InsightaaS: Many longer-time readers are aware that in addition to the material published on this site, the team publishes in other venues —...

Krigsman: Infor and "No Fugly Software" – Design as a competitive weapon

InsightaaS: Michael Krigsman — well-known IT expert and author of the widely-read Beyond IT Failure blog on ZDNet — has published an intriguing piece...

Cloud Ave: Is Your Mobile Strategy A Coconut Or Banana?

InsightaaS: Cloud Ave. is a site that is frequently cited on Across the Net, owing to its commitment to examining cloud through both...

HfS: BPO – Pronounced dead, but still very much alive

InsightaaS: With Accenture moving away from use of the term "business process outsourcing," there has been some discussion as to whether the concept itself...