Across the Net

Jason Bloomberg: Seven Reasons Why the Internet of Things is Doomed

InsightaaS: Who doesn't love a curmudgeonly cynic? Well, there are probably many people in that category, but Across the Net is cynic-friendly, and we...

The Economist: Unplugged and unproductive

InsightaaS: The Economist is one of the world’s most respected sources of insight into business and social issues, and often achieves the rare feat...

Wikibon: People & Relationships Just as Important as Data for New CDOs

InsightaaS: Wikibon is one of the Internet’s best sources of IT industry insight — an open source community of world-leading analysts that has its...

Roger Kay on Form Factor Epiphany

InsightaaS: Roger Kay is one of the world's leading experts on client technology, including PCs, tablets and mobiles. Formerly a senior executive at IDC,...

The Sunday Infographic: The Current State of Cross-Channel Commerce

InsightaaS: Earlier this year, Across the Net featured a post from the blog site of software developer Gigya, published by content marketing manager Rachel...

Juniper Research: Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Mobile Devices to More Than Double by 2019

InsightaaS: It is our practice to feature a sustainability-themed item in each Sunday's Across the Net. It isn't our practice to carry press releases...

John Hagel: The Disruption Debate – What's Missing?

InsightaaS: I want to start this post off with a confession - I've been a big fan of John Hagel since I first read...

Chuck's Blog: Towards A Unified View of "Software Defined"

InsightaaS: Chuck Hollis is a former EMC executive who is now chief strategist for VMware’s SAS (storage and application services) business unit, and author...

Krigsman: Brand promise, customer experience, and CMO lessons for the CIO

InsightaaS: Regular readers of Across the Net are aware of our respect for Michael Krigsman, well-known IT expert and author of the widely-read Beyond...

Dean Bubley: So-called "Platform Neutrality" – nothing to do with Net Neutrality, and a...

InsightaaS: On Wednesdays, Across the Net often turns its attention to IT policy issues - and no IT policy issue is hotter today than...

HealthWorks Collective: Why a "Switzerland Approach" Might Become a Key Part of Wearable Health...

InsightaaS: The HealthWorks Collective is "an editorially independent, moderated community for thought leaders in international healthcare" sponsored by Siemens. The site has posts on...

BMC: How Much ITIL is Enough?

InsightaaS: A recent column by ZDNet's Joe McKendrick (himself an Across the Net favourite) highlighted the post "How Much ITIL is Enough?" published by...

The Sunday Infographic: How Many Gigatons of Carbon Dioxide…?

InsightaaS: As regular Across the Net readers know, we're in the habit of publishing an infographic each Sunday. Some readers may remember that in...

MIT Technology Review: Energy Demands of Networked Devices Skyrocket

InsightaaS: Sometimes, we get so lost in individual trends that it comes as a shock when someone connects them. Many people will probably have...

Nicholas Carr: Cluetrain crashes, casualties widespread

InsightaaS: Regular Across the Net readers are aware of the regard we have for Internet/IT philosopher Nicolas Carr of "IT Doesn't Matter" fame; we consider...