VPNs in Canada increase by a staggering 206% amid Covid-19 crisis

NordVPN bullets on spike in VPN use in response to coronavirusAs the coronavirus crisis has intensified, most businesses have commendably followed government advice to enable their employees to work from home. NordVPN Teams has discovered this mass shift in work location has caused a huge surge in the use of business virtual private networks (VPN).

 NordVPN Teams Business VPN Usage Growth

Country Growth, %
UK 48.1%
USA 65.93%
France 187.71%
Denmark 180.35%
Netherlands 240.49%
Belgium 187.76%
Spain 95.89%
Canada 206.29%
Austria 207.86%
Italy 10.57%


Since Wednesday 11th March 2020, Canada has experienced a 206.29% growth in the use of business VPNs.

Other countries with notable VPN usage include Austria (207.86%) and the Netherlands (240.49%) skyrocketing beyond 200%. Opposingly, Italy has had the most modest growth in business VPN usage at just 10.57%.

Working Hours

Country Average working hours, before
March 11
Average working hours, after March 11
UK 9 11
USA 8 11
France 8 10
Denmark 9 10
Netherlands 9 10
Belgium 9 10
Spain 8 10
Canada 9 11
Austria 9 10
Italy 8 8


The working hours in Canada, Spain France and the UK have on average increased by two hours per a day.

It is the US which has seen the biggest time extension of the normal working day – adding an extra three hours.

Country Desktop, % Mobile, %
UK 42.66% 20.44%
USA 94.09% 0.39%
France 72.34% 3.47%
Denmark 91.49% 31.06%
Netherlands 112.9% 44.09%
Belgium 96.63% -16.67%
Spain 94.74% 19.51%
Canada 67.16% 12.21%
Austria 161.15% 0%
Italy 85.89% 10.87%


Desktop and Mobile App Usage Growth

Mass remote working in Canada has contributed towards an increase in the use of desktops (67.16%). Whilst mobile has increased by 12.21%.

About NordVPNTeams

NordVPN Teams is a cybersecurity solution for business from the world’s most advanced VPN service provider NordVPN. NordVPN Teams has a full range of features to ensure convenience and powerful digital protection for enterprises, remote teams, and freelancers. NordVPN Teams offers advanced 256-bit encryption, fixed IP, site to site connection, unsecured traffic prevention, automatic connection on Wi-Fi networks, and 24/7 customer support with a dedicated manager. NordVPN Teams is available on all major platforms.





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