Jason Bloomberg: Amazon's Cloud Computing Digital Blind Spot
InsightaaS: Several years ago, I began working with (and later, investing in) trade publications. At a partner, I saw that profit had evaporated from...
Krigsman: IT spend is growing, but CIOs "just don't get it"
InsightaaS: Regular readers of Across the Net are aware of our respect for Michael Krigsman, well-known IT expert and author; we appreciate Krigsman’s tendency...
ATN Infographic: Cloud and a 'flood of savings' for SMBs
InsightaaS: In the lates installment of our more or less weekly series of infographics, we visit Cloud Tweaks and find an infographic (sourced from...
EquityZen: Is Buffer's Series A a Paradigm Shift in Fundraising?
InsightaaS: This post from EquityZen actually first appeared on InsightaaS as part of a comment responding to an earlier ATN post, but it got...
Gartner: The Top 10 Cloud Myths
InsightaaS: Gartner Group is universally recognized as the most authoritative analyst firm in the IT industry; the company isn't always right in its forecasts,...
Cutter Consortium: Requirements Are A Form Of Intelligence, Or Lack Thereof
InsightaaS: Cutter Consortium is an IT advisory firm focused on software development and Agile project management. ATN likes to drop in on Cutter’s blog site periodically to sample...
Techaisle: Salesforce.com for SMBs: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
InsightaaS: Techaisle is, in my experience, the best source of data and insight on IT use by SMBs and on the channels that provide...
Bosch SI: The IoT will be built on open source
InsightaaS: As we've observed both in ATN and in InsightaaS's own research, IoT appears to be segmenting into different core markets: a 'white collar'...
ATN Featured Infographic: Einstein's life
InsightaaS: Once a week or so, we like to feature an infographic in this space - and one of the best sources of relevant...
Jeremiah Owyang: WSJ Essay – The Ups and Downs of Crowd-Based Resources
InsightaaS: Regular readers of Across the Net will have seen us highlight a number of posts by Jeremiah Owyang, the pioneering social media analyst who built a...
A supply side view that matters to buyers, too: MSP 1.0 vs. MSP 2.0
InsightaaS: Like the InsightaaS site as a whole, ATN is directed at management with an interest in the application of IT to business challenges....
The Guardian: Silicon Valley's culture of failure and 'the walking dead' it leaves behind
InsightaaS: The Guardian is one of the world’s most respected news sources. Founded in 1821, it has stayed relevant by providing in-depth analysis of both local...
David Moschella: Wrapping your Firm in an Ever-Thicker Digital Fabric
InsightaaS: Regular ATN readers are well aware of the respect we have for David Moschella and his posts in CSC’s Leading Edge Forum. Moschella has a well-deserved...
ATN: Two links that are NOT designed to help productivity!
InsightaaS: When I first started using the Internet, I had a friend - a programmer - who said, "I work all day with computers....
Quartz: An Alibaba-Apple Pay marriage could pit both companies against Beijing
InsightaaS: The web is inherently global, but citizens and economies are subject to local regulation, and there is a growing tension between these points....