Krigsman: CIO strategy workshop – Intel's leadership and transformation pyramid
InsightaaS: Michael Krigsman — well-known IT expert and author of the widely-read Beyond IT Failure blog on ZDNet — has published a piecen entitled...
The Sunday Infographic: The Collaborative Economy Honeycomb
InsightaaS: Each Sunday, Across the Net "doubles up" on posts, with one item on a topic of social importance (often, environmental issues) and an...
Jonathan Koomey: Climate change as an adaptive challenge
InsightaaS: It is our practice to feature posts on environmental or social policy issues in our Sunday editions of Across the Net. This week,...
McKinsey: Learning from New York City's open-data effort
InsightaaS: McKinsey & Co. is a world-leading management consulting firm; its flagship publication, McKinsey Quarterly, has been providing insight into key management issues for...
Naked Security: People have the right to be e-forgotten, EU court rules against Google
InsightaaS: Naked Security is a news/blog site hosted by security vendor Sophos. In this post, freelancer Lisa Vaas covers a European court's decision requiring...
Louis Columbus: Software Firms Now 42% Of Venture Capital Invested In 2014
InsightaaS: Readers of Across the Net will be familiar with the work of Louis Columbus; we have cited his Enterprise Irregulars posts in the...
McKendrick: Should APIs be copyrighted?
InsightaaS: ZDNet is a source of many interesting blogs, including the "Service Oriented" blog authored by Joe McKendrick. In this post, McKendrick reviews the...
Cloud Ave.: The SaaS Metrics Maturity Model
InsightaaS: InsightaaS: Cloud Ave. is a site that examines cloud through both a technology and a business lens. In this post, internet software executive...
Bitwise: Agile Contracting
InsightaaS: Regular readers of Across the Net will notice that we follow a few dozen information sources pretty closely, and that these authors appear...
The Sunday Infographic: Comparison of the Top Tech Company Acquisitions: Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Apple...
InsightaaS: Each Sunday, we publish an infographic that we believe will be of interest to our followers...and as this one concerns both technology and...
USGCRP: Climate Change Impacts in the United States
InsightaaS: At dinner recently, a friend asked an environmentally-focused young woman whether colonizing distant planets was the best option for humans whose home planet...
ASYMCO: The iPad discontinuity
InsightaaS: Across the Net often highlights posts from Horace Dediu’s ASYMCO blog, an important source of information on issues pertaining to Apple and to...
Gartner: On "Defender's Advantage"
InsightaaS: The Gartner Blog Network collects posts from across Gartner’s research community. In this post, Gartner research VP Anton Chuvakin looks at whether lessons...
Enterprise Irregulars: Tech Bubble? Full Stack Goes Beyond $3.7 Trillion IT Budget
InsightaaS: In this post from the excellent Enterprise Irregulars blog site, Anshu Sharma, a former executive with both and Oracle, has posted on...
The Economist: Stalking Trolls
InsightaaS: The Economist is one of the world's most respected sources of insight into business and social issues. This piece is focused on an issue...