Across the Net

Gartner: Crowd Missing from Vast Majority of Crowdfunding

InsightaaS: As we reach the end of August, we thought we'd provide a second perspective on a couple of the debates that enlivened the summer....

Krigsman: Digital transformation and the innovative CFO

InsightaaS: Regular readers of Across the Net are aware of our respect for Michael Krigsman, well-known IT expert and author of the widely-read Beyond...

Michael Loftus: Musing about mobility, wearables, and enterprise IT

InsightaaS: Within the financial services sector, Michael Loftus is well-known as an expert in client technology, and in connecting users with IT-based systems through...

Nicholas Carr: The other dude in the car

InsightaaS: Regular Across the Net readers are aware of the regard we have for Internet/IT philosopher Nicolas Carr of "IT Doesn’t Matter" fame; we consider...

The Sunday Infographic: US Data Centers

InsightaaS: After a one-week hiatus (even ATN gets the odd vacation!), the Sunday Infographic is back - this time, with a terrific look at...

John Hagel: Where Do You Stand? The Shifting Ground of Strategy

InsightaaS: In July, we highlighted a post by John Hagel, who has been shaping perspectives of the IT/business figure since he released the seminal...

Dark Reading: Traffic To Hosting Companies Hijacked In Crypto Currency Heist

InsightaaS: UBM’s Dark Reading is one of the web’s best security information resources, connecting security professionals and information via ten communities that "drill deeper...

R "Ray" Wang: The Chief Digital Officer Navigates Digital Disruption

InsightaaS: R. "Ray" Wang is one of the IT industry's most widely-respected analysts. Currently the CEO of Constellation Research, Wang is recognized as a...

CIO Dashboard: Social Media Checkup – Healthcare Industry Growing Stronger

InsightaaS: CIO Dashboard is a blog run by PwC principal Chris Curran. In this post, guest blogger Adam Roumm (also of PwC) looks at...

John Morris: What manufacturing IoT project leaders can learn from healthcare

InsightaaS: In the spirit of full disclosure, I've known John Morris since we worked together in 1988, and have admired and respected his perspicacity...

Avinash Kaushik: Digital Dashboards, Strategic & Tactical – Best Practices, Tips, Examples

InsightaaS: Avinash Kaushik is the author of two best-selling books (Web Analytics 2.0 and Web Analytics: An Hour A Day), an advisor to/lecturer at...

BCG: Distributed Energy – A Disruptive Force

InsightaaS: Boston Consulting Group (BCG) describes itself as "a global management consulting firm and the world’s leading advisor on business strategy." Like Bain &...

Deloitte U: Wizards and Trolls – Accelerating technologies, patent reform, and the new era...

InsightaaS: Deloitte University Press is a source of deep, thought-provoking material on a wide range of technology and management issues. The site’s mandate is...

Naked Security: How to send 5 million spam emails without even noticing

InsightaaS: Regular Across the Net readers will be aware of our respect for  Naked Security, a news/blog site hosted by security vendor Sophos; we...

Cutter Consortium: Mobile Enterprise Collaboration Technology Trends and Market Developments

InsightaaS: Cutter Consortium is an IT advisory firm focused on software development and Agile project management. Cutter’s blog site site presents "opinions on and...